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From Practitioners for Researchers

Participant ID P C Strategy Category Rationale
OWUwOTY1N2 1 0 Print the complete line when printing match Regression Only match should be printed
MjYyZjkxNm 1 0 Print the complete line when printing match Regression Only match should be printed
YmI4MGM3ND 1 0 If matched string contains a wide character, double the length of the printed match Regression Works only for the test case. Not always exactly half.
ZGU4Yjc1ZG 1 1 Add a mapping between normal-case and lower-case string to compute the length of the match in the normal-case string from the length of the match in the lower-case string. Developer Fix  
ZWM2ODBmOG 1 0 Print the complete line when printing match Regression Only match should be printed
NTM3Y2E1MW 1 0 Do not lower the case. Regression Case-sensitve search when it should be case-insensitive
ZmU3ZTExOW 1 0 Jump to failure if mb_len <= 2 Regression Always fail to match multibyte characters
MjYyYzZkN2 1 0 Use check_multibyte_string to compute the size of each character in normal-case and increase len for every multibyte character. Incomplete Fix Not all lower-cases of multibyte characters occupy one byte less.