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From Practitioners for Researchers

Participant ID P C Strategy Category Rationale
OWUwOTY1N2 1 1 Allocate twice or 3x as much for merged.elems First Developer Fix  
MjYyZjkxNm 1 0 Always reset the number of elements (nelem) to 0. Regression Always overrides the first element instead during insert.
ZGU4Yjc1ZG 1 1 Reallocate as needed Different but Correct  
ZWM2ODBmOG 1 1 Allocate twice or 3x as much for merged.elems First Developer Fix  
OWMzNDk3N2 1 1 Allocate twice or 3x as much for merged.elems First Developer Fix  
NTM3Y2E1MW 1 1 Allocate twice or 3x as much for merged.elems First Developer Fix  
MjYyYzZkN2 1 1 Allocate twice or 3x as much for merged.elems First Developer Fix  
ZmU3ZTExOW 1 0 Unrelated: corrected index value and preventing function calling at unnecessary places. Regression Does not fix the problem of insufficient memory
MDUyYzIwMz 1 0 Rollback to previous commit Regression Rollback makes good intentions of commit obsolete
MGFkYmExOT 1 1 Allocate twice or 3x as much for merged.elems First Developer Fix