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From Practitioners for Researchers

Participant ID P C Strategy Category Rationale
OWUwOTY1N2 1 0 Move setbit_case_fold function such that it is only called for single-byte characters Regression setbit_case_fold is supposed to be called in the multibyte case.
YmI4MGM3ND 1 0 Check for overflow (the overflow value happens to match EOF). Treating the Symptom This does not address the root cause but the symptom
MjYyZjkxNm 1 0 Use an arbitrary value instead of c Treating the Symptom No segmentation fault but incorrect behavior
ZGU4Yjc1ZG 1 0 Check for overflow (the overflow value happens to match EOF). Treating the Symptom This does not address the root cause but the symptom
ZWM2ODBmOG 1 1 Use wc instead of c (which equals c if the character is not multibyte). Developer Fix  
OWMzNDk3N2 1 0 Reimplement the conversion from multibyte to single byte character to not return EOF or a negative index. Incomplete Fix Test case still fails
NTM3Y2E1MW 1 1 Use wc instead of c (which equals c if the character is not multibyte). Developer Fix  
MjYyYzZkN2 1 0 Check for overflow (the overflow value happens to match EOF). Treating the Symptom This does not address the root cause but the symptom
MGFkYmExOT 1 0 Check for overflow (the overflow value happens to match EOF). Treating the Symptom This does not address the root cause but the symptom
MDUyYzIwMz 1 0 Check for overflow (the overflow value happens to match EOF). Treating the Symptom This does not address the root cause but the symptom