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From Practitioners for Researchers

Participant ID P C Strategy Category Rationale
OWUwOTY1N2 1 0 Return complete line if match exists. Regression Only match should be returned
MjYyZjkxNm 1 0 Return complete line if match exists. Regression Only match should be returned
YmI4MGM3ND 1 0 Return complete line if match exists. Regression Only match should be returned
ZGU4Yjc1ZG 1 1 To correct the match_size, lower-case as many characters in the normal-case match as result in match_size lower-case characters. Different but Correct  
ZWM2ODBmOG 1 0 Return complete line if match exists. Regression Only match should be returned
OWMzNDk3N2 1 0 Jump to failure if mb_len <= 2 Regression Always fail to match multibyte characters
ZmU3ZTExOW 1 0 Jump to failure if mb_len <= 2 Regression Always fail to match multibyte characters
MDUyYzIwMz 1 0 Add the difference in length of lower-case and normal-case string to the match size Incomplete Fix For files that has more multibyte characters than given in the match, grep reports longer matches than needed.