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From Practitioners for Researchers

Participant ID P C Strategy Category Rationale
ZTk0ZThkOD 1 1 Only overwrite if statbuf is initialized Different but Correct  
YTA2MTE4ND 1 0 Never overwrite Regression Fix impacts inputs where statbuf is correctly overridden
OTcyZjg1Mz 1 0 Never overwrite Regression Fix impacts inputs where statbuf is correctly overridden
ZmZkMWM5OG 1 0 Never overwrite Regression Fix impacts inputs where statbuf is correctly overridden
NDM5MjVmOT 1 0 Point stat_buf to statp. Regression When writing to stat_buf, we override content of statp which is later used in apply_predicate!
NGU0NDRiM2 1 0 increase pointer to current directory before calling process_dir Incorrect workaround curr_dir is not supposed to be increased
NzBjMjQ0OT 1 1 Always stat() before overriding dir_ids[dir_curr] at find/find.c:1621 Different but Correct  
ZTBjYWY1Nj 1 0 Go to a maximum depth of at most 1 Regression Fix impacts all searches with more depth required
MTk0NjE0Mj 1 1 Only overwrite if statbuf is initialized Different but Correct  
ODY3ODM5YW 1 1 Only overwrite if statbuf is initialized Different but Correct