If find is set to search a directory containing three other directories which contain the folder ”bug” and to execute pwd in every folder containing the folder ”bug” (-name bug -execdir pwd \;), then find prints the first directory three times. The reason is that the working directory specified in execp->wd_for_exec is set only once (pred.c:513-527) and never updated. Examples of Correct Fixes: 1) Correct buggy if-condition by substituting excep->wd_for_exec by execp->todo. 2) If is exec_in_local_dir, then always reallocate execp->wd_for_exec and remove the assertion. Example of Incorrect Fix: Remove if-condition such that it always redefines execp->wd_for_exec and keep assertion that execp->todo is false (Regression because execp->todo might be true such that assertion may fail).