Make sure to set up the infrastructure and your favorite debuggers ahead of the study! * Follow instructions on 'installation and setup' (and UI.readme.txt if needed). * Check whether your debugging tool or IDE works with our source code! * Check whether the links to the questionnaires work (/root/Desktop/find*/readme.txt). ______________________ INSTALLATION AND SETUP * Install Docker: * Run './ find'. This will ** download 1GB of Docker VM ** install 14 buggy versions of findutils, ** start the Docker VM in command line terminal ** Now, you are already connected to the terminal of the Docker VM (you will see root@...). ** You can always execute './ find' again to re-connect. ** You have root privileges _______________ TROUBLESHOOTING * If you get "Error response from daemon: Conflict" run 'docker restart debugstudy0' * If you installed Docker on an Ubuntu Host and cannot set breakpoints, ** Copy sources and binaries to the HOST machine: mkdir source for i in $(seq 1 14); do docker cp debugstudy0:/root/Desktop/find$i source; done * If you have other images running when switching between subjects, execute "docker images" to obtain the ids of all images, find which "debugstudy" or "debug/find" images that may need to be removed. _________ DEBUGGING * Find buggy binary in /root/Desktop/find*/find/find/find * Find buggy source in /root/Desktop/find*/find/find/*.c * Find link to questionaire and instructions in /root/Desktop/find*/readme.txt * EACH ERROR HAS ITS OWN LINK! * Solve at least 11 of 14 bugs. * Write down the time, you spend debugging each error! * If you can't figure it out, you can pause for this error, go to another one, and resume later. * We suggest to use the debugger to step through the buggy execution and understand the source code. * We suggest to fix the 4 segmentation faults first * Most bugs can be localized in parser.c, ftsfind.c, pred.c, find.c, and exec.c ________________ CHANGING SUBJECT * Only when you are clearly finished with find you can switch to grep. All data in the Docker container will be lost. * Exit the container, stop and delete the container, delete the find-image and install the grep-image: exit docker stop debugstudy0 docker rm debugstudy0 docker rmi debugstudy docker rmi debug/find ./ grep